
MyStory has a user-friendly interface with exciting features that everyone can use easily. Simply sign up on the app and create your entire profile in just a few simple steps. MyStory has a multitude of predefined storybook categories and subcategories which help inspire thought and creative direction.

Download the MyStory application to see how easy it is to start capturing your life story today.

Connect With Extended
Family Easily!

In the hustle and bustle of life, one can forget to stay in touch with their loved ones. Not Anymore! MyStory allows you to learn more about your family heritage and save it for the coming generations. You can connect with your extended family and share the best moments of your lives.

Customize Profiles & Let Your Loved Ones Find You

The MyStory application allows users to search for family members using their email address so users don't need to share personal information on their profiles to be found. Users will also be able to track their family members and friends based on their family tree connections and linked storybooks.

Real-time Notifications — Stay Connected!

Be the first one to be notified when someone adds you to their family tree or storybook. Our real-time notifications allow users to stay connected with their friends and family. It also helps users to view the engagement in their storybooks.

Easily Search Newsfeed and Storybook

Gone are the days when you would have to scroll down through your profile to view your memories. The MyStory application makes it easy to find your favorite stories, whether it be from your Storybook or that of a family member. Run a search for that favorite recipe, or simply sort your Newsfeed or Storybook based on categories.

Access Your Journal From Anywhere!

Users can create and access their journal entries from anywhere using the Journal tab in the MyStory application. Add pictures and video to your journal entries as well. Journals are kept confidential and not shared with Family Tree members.

Connect. Share. Rejoice.

MyStory offers users the experience to interact with family and friend stories on their Newsfeed or a members Storybook through comments and likes. A user may also set granular permissions for each family member defining which categories or subcategories they are permitted to see.